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Solution Manual for Concepts of Database Management, 7th Edition, Philip J. Pratt, Joseph J. Adamski,
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Database Management.
2. The Relational Model 1: Introduction, QBE, and Relational Algebra.
3. The Relational Model 2: SQL.
4. The Relational Model 3: Advanced Topics.
5. Database Design 1: Normalization.
6. Database Design 2: Design Method.
7. DBMS Functions.
8. Database Administration.
9. Database Management Approaches.
Appendix A: Comprehensive Design Example: Marvel College.
Appendix B: SQL Reference.
Appendix C: “How Do I” Reference.
Appendix D: Answers to Odd-Numbered Review Questions.
Appendix E: Using Access to Create and Publish a Web Database.
Appendix F: Determining Information-Level Requirements.
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