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Solution Manual for Basic Economics, 14th Edition, Frank V. Mastrianna,
You are buying Solution Manual. A Solution Manual is step by step solutions of end of chapter questions in the . Solution manual offers the complete detailed answers to every question in at the end of chapter. Please download sample for your confidential.
1. The Nature and Scope of Economics.
2. Scarcity and Choice.
3. The U.S. Economic System.
4. Price: The Role of Demand and Supply.
5. Production, Cost, and Profit.
6. Perfect Competition.
7. Imperfect Competition.
8. The Circular-Flow Model.
9. Measuring Output and Income in the United States.
10. Money in the U.S. Economy.
11. The Federal Reserve and the Money Supply.
12. Macroeconomic Models and Analysis.
13. Employment.
14. Income Distribution.
15. Business Cycles.
16. Macroeconomic Policies.
17. Taxation, Budgetary Policy, and the National Debt.
18. International Trade and Aid.
19. The Balance of International Payments.
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