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Test Bank for Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 2nd Edition, Kenneth Saladin, Robin McFarland,
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Study of Anatomy and Physiology
1.1 Anatomy—The Structural Basis of Human Function
1.2 Physiology—The Functional Relevance of Human Structure
1.3 The Human Body Plan
1.4 The Language of Medicine
Chapter 2 Life, Matter, and Energy
2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
2.2 Water, Mixtures, and pH
2.3 Organic Compounds
2.4 Energy and Chemical Reactions
Chapter 3 Cytology—The Cellular Level of Organization
3.1 The General Structure of Cells
3.2 The Cell Surface
3.3 The Cell Interior
3.4 The Life Cycle of Cells
Chapter 4 Histology—The Tissue Level of Organization
4.1 The Study of Tissues
4.2 Epithelial Tissue
4.3 Connective Tissue
4.4 Nervous and Muscular Tissues—The Excitable Tissues
4.5 Glands and Membranes
4.6 Tissue Growth, Development, Repair, and Death
Chapter 5 The Integumentary System
5.1 The Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
5.2 Accessory Organs
Chapter 6 The Skeletal System
6.1 Skeletal Structure and Function
6.2 Bone Development and Metabolism
6.3 The Axial Skeleton
6.4 The Appendicular Skeleton
6.5 Joints
Chapter 7 The Muscular System
7.1 Muscular Tissues and Cells
7.2 Physiology of Skeletal Muscle
7.3 Cardiac and Smooth Muscle
7.4 Anatomy of the Muscular System
Chapter 8 The Nervous System I—Nerve Cells, the Spinal Cord, and Reflexes
8.1 Cells and Tissues of the Nervous System
8.2 The Physiology of Neurons
8.3 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Reflexes
Chapter 9 The Nervous System II—The Brain, Cranial Nerves, and Autonomic Nervous System
9.1 Overview of the Brain
9.2 Principal Divisions of the Brain
9.3 Multiregional Brain Functions
9.4 The Cranial Nerves
9.5 The Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 10 The Sense Organs
10.1 Receptors and Sensations
10.2 The General Senses
10.3 The Chemical Senses—Taste and Smell
10.4 The Ear—Hearing and Equilibrium
10.5 The Eye and Vision
Chapter 11 The Endocrine System
11.1 Overview of the Endocrine System
11.2 Endocrine Physiology
11.3 The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
11.4 Other Endocrine Glands and Tissues
11.5 Stress Physiology
Chapter 12 The Circulatory System I—Blood
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Erythrocytes
12.3 Leukocytes
12.4 Platelets
Chapter 13 The Circulatory System II—Heart and Blood Vessels
13.1 Overview of the Cardiovascular System
13.2 Gross Anatomy of the Heart
13.3 Physiology of the Heart
13.4 General Anatomy of Blood Vessels
13.5 Physiology of Circulation
13.6 Circulatory Routes and Blood Vessels
Chapter 14 The Lymphatic System and Immunity
14.1 The Lymphatic System
14.2 Nonspecific Resistance
14.3 Features of Adaptive Immunity
14.4 Cellular and Humoral Immunity
Chapter 15 The Respiratory System
15.1 Functions and Anatomy of the Respiratory System
15.2 Pulmonary Ventilation
15.3 Gas Exchange and Transport
Chapter 16 The Urinary System
16.1 Functions of the Urinary System
16.2 Anatomy of the Kidney
16.3 Glomerular Filtration
16.4 Tubular Resorption and Secretion
16.5 Water Conservation
16.6 Urine Storage and Elimination
16.7 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Balance
Chapter 17 The Digestive System
17.1 Overview of the Digestive System
17.2 The Mouth through Esophagus
17.3 The Stomach
17.4 The Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
17.5 The Small Intestine
17.6 Chemical Digestion and Absorption
17.7 The Large Intestine
Chapter 18 Nutrition and Metabolism
18.1 Nutrition
18.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
18.3 Lipid and Protein Metabolism
18.4 Metabolic States and Metabolic Rate
18.5 Energy Balance and Appetite Regulation
18.6 Body Heat and Thermoregulation
Chapter 19 The Reproductive System
19.1 Essentials of Sexual Reproduction
19.2 The Male Reproductive System
19.3 The Female Reproductive System
19.4 The Production and Union of Sex Cells
19.5 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Lactation
Chapter 20 Human Development and Aging
20.1 Fertilization and Preembryonic Development
20.2 The Embryonic and Fetal Stages
20.3 The Neonate
20.4 Aging, Senescence, and Death
Appendix A: Answer Key
Appendix B: Health Science Careers
Appendix C: Symbols, Weights, and Measures
Appendix D: Biomedical Word Roots, Prefixes, and
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