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Test Bank for How Children Develop, 4th Canadian Edition, Robert S. Siegler, Judy S. DeLoache, Nancy Eisenberg, Susan Graham, Jenny Saffran, 780-7, 780-1,
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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Child Development
• statistics on spanking in Canada, percentage of children in families whose incomes is below low-income level
• studies about the effect of poverty on children’s well-being
Chapter 2: Prenatal Development and the Newborn Period
• statistics about maternal smoking and use of alcohol and drugs (in the context of how that might affect their babies), SIDS, rate of teenage pregnancies, infant mortality rates (including comparison of rates across provinces and territories, with focus on the north), newborns with low birth weight, multiple births
• studies about fetuses’ responses to their mothers’ voices as compared to their responses to other people’s voices
• graph showing ratio of male deaths to female deaths
Chapter 3: Biology and Behaviour
• statistics about number of children with autism spectrum disorder, number of overweight children
• studies about epigenetic effects of low-quality maternal care, effects of cataracts at birth on child’s visual acuity
• information about Quebec Newborn Twin Study, an ongoing study of twins born between 1996 and 1998 around Montreal, to examine differences in cognition, behavior, social-emotional development across childhood, relations with school and health outcomes.
• information about mandated daily physical activity in schools
• graph showing levels of physical aggression and expressive vocabulary in twins; WHO growth charts for Canada, for both girls and boys
Chapter 4: Theories of Cognitive Development
Chapter 5: Seeing, Thinking, and Doing in Infancy
• researchers such as Kang Lee, who looked at other race effect (ORE) in children; Daphne Maurer and Catherine Mondloch, who study face perception of infants; Laurel Trainor and Sandra Trehub, who study infants’ responses to music; Diane Poulin-Dubois’ work on observational learning and imitation
Chapter 6: Development of Language and Symbol Use
• information about sign languages in Canada
• studies that use PET scans to detect patterns of brain activation in left hemisphere for hearing speakers of English and deaf signers of ASL and LSQ (Langues des signes Québécoise); studies testing critical period hypothesis; studies on infant-directed speech
• researchers such as Laurel Trainor (again—this time with studies related to infant-directed speech); Janet Werker’s work on developmental changes in speech perception; Diane Poulin-Dubois’ (again) work on early word perception; Geoff Hall’s work on using context to understand new vocabulary; Susan Graham’s studies on use of shape to determine category membership
• heavily revised box on bilingualism in Canada
• graph showing early experience on learning sign language on later language learning
Chapter 7: Conceptual Development: Understanding Who or What
• researchers such as Diane Poulin-Dubois’ (again) work on distinguishing living from nonliving things
Chapter 8: Intelligence and Academic Achievement
• heavily revised box, including information about Better Beginnings, Better Futures program
• information about Canadian version of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV-Canadian); information about gifted child Ryan Wang
• statistics about mean height of males
• studies about the effect of prereading skills on children’s early literacy skills; about the benefits of program on invented spelling; strategies used to solve multiplication problems
• researchers such as Marion Porath’s studies on gifted children
• graphs demonstrating benefits of Better Beginnings, Better Futures program (e.g., students using special education/services, hyperactive/inattentive behaviour)
Chapter 9: Theories of Social Development
• statistics about child maltreatment, children with ADHD, children’s use of cell phones and texting (use of technology, amount of screen time), children’s encounters with pornography
Chapter 10: Emotional Development
• statistics about rates of depression in adolescents
• researchers such as Robert Coplan and his work on temperament
• graphs showing effects of parenting style and temperament on internalizing, peer difficulties, and school adjustment
Chapter 11: Attachment to Others and Development of Self
• researchers such as Sheri Madigan and her work on maternal attachment
• studies on improving parental sensitivity, ethnic identity, sexual-minority adolescents
• information on bicultural integration
Chapter 12: The Family
• studies on differences in parenting styles; effects of economic stress on parenting; effects of child care on socially disadvantaged children
• statistics on homeless in Canada; changes in families in Canada (e.g., age at marriage, age of mothers, number of working mothers, births to teens, marriage rate, divorce rate, number of lone-parent families, stepfamilies, same-sex partners with children)
• researchers such as Nina Howe and her work on sibling relationships
• information on child care regulations
• graphs showing births to teenage mothers; distribution of census families by presence of children (e.g. the percent of married couples with children, married couples without children, common-law couples with children, etc.)
Chapter 13: Peer Relationships
• statistics on time spent with friends, adolescents’ use of technology (again), bullying and cyberbullying, romantic relationships
• studies on children’s ideas about friendship, effect of quality friendships on aggression, inter-ethnic friendships
• researchers such as Bill Bukowski and his work on friendships; François Poulin and Sara Pederson’s work on friendship and gender; Tracy Vaillancourt and Shelley Hamel’s work on the connection between aggression and popularity; Robert Coplan and his work on temperament (again)
• graphs showing children’s experience with cyberspace; students reporting high levels of emotional and behavioural problems by risky peer group activities
Chapter 14: Moral Development
• studies on the relationship between cultural and socioeconomic differences and morality; prosocial behaviour; aggression; connection between socioeconomic status and antisocial behaviour; gangs
• researchers such as Maayan Davidov and Joan Grusec and their work on the relationship between mothers’ responsivity and prosocial behaviour
• heavily revised box on Roots of Empathy program
• statistics on adolescent crime; oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
• graphs showing rates of youth crime
Chapter 15: Gender Development
Chapter 16: Conclusions
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