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Test Bank for International Trade, John McLaren,,
You are buying Test Bank. A Test Bank is collection of test questions tailored to the contents of an individual . Test bank may contains the following types of questions: multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, matching, essay/short answer, and free-response questions. Please download sample for your confidential. All orders are safe, secure and confidential.
Table of Contents
Part I. Engines of Globalization
1 A Second Wave of Globalization 1
2 Should Nigeria Strive for Self-Sufficiency in Food? 13
3 Why Do Americans Get Their Impalas from Canada? 30
4 Trade and Large Corporations: Kodak versus Fuji 48
Part II. Politics and Policy in the World Economy
5 Why Did the North Want a Tariff, and Why Did the South Call It an Abomination? 64
6 Is Free Trade a Rip-off for American Workers? 86
7 Why Doesnt Our Government Want Us to Import Sugar? 108
8 Who Are the WTO, and What Do They Have Against Dolphins? 135
9 Should Developing-Country Governments Use Tariffs to Jump-start Growth? 152
10 Was Ronald Reagan Punked by Japanese Automakers? 173
Part III. Current Controversies
11 Should the iPod Be Made in the United States? 188
12 Should We Build a Border Fence? 210
13 Trade and the Environment: Is Globalization Green? 226
14 Sweatshops and Child labor: Globalization and Human Rights 239
15 Is NAFTA a Betrayal of the Poor or a path to Prosperity? 263
Part IV. Macroeconomic Aspects of Globalization
16 Is the Trade Deficit a Time Bomb? 286
17 Trade and Exchange Rates: Is the Renminbi the Culprit? 304
Index 327
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