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Test Bank for Principles of Operations Management, 8/E, Jay Heizer, Barry Render,
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Table of Contents
PART ONE: Introduction to Operations Management
1. Operations and Productivity
2. Operations Strategy in a Global Environment
3. Project Management
4. Forecasting
PART TWO: Designing Operations
5. Design of Goods and Services
6. Managing Quality
Supplement 6: Statistical Process Control
7. Process Strategy
Supplement 7: Capacity and Constraint Management
8. Location Strategies
9. Layout Strategies
10. Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement
PART THREE: Managing Operations
11. Supply Chain Management
Supplement 11: Outsourcing as a Supply Chain Strategy
12. Inventory Management
13. Aggregate Planning
14. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP
15. Short-Term Scheduling
16. Just-in-Time and Lean Operations
17. Maintenance and Reliability
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