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Test Bank for Public Speaking: Strategies for Success, 5/E, David Zarefsky,
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Table of Contents
PART I: Foundations of Public Speaking
1. Welcome to Public Speaking
Why Study Public Speaking?
Public Speaking and Communication
The Public Forum
The Rhetorical Situation
Determinants of the Rhetorical Situation
The Quest for Quality
Ethics: Respect for Audience, Topic and Occasion
2. Your First Speech
Goals and Strategies for Your First Speech
Strategies for Organizing Your Speech
Beginning Assignments
Practicing the Speech
Presenting the Speech
3. Listening Critically
Are You Really Listening?
Strategies for Careful Listening
Listening Critically
Evaluating Speeches Critically
4. Analyzing Your Audience
Checking Audience Demographics
Respecting Audience Cultures
Understanding Audience Psychology
Strategies for Analyzing the Audience
Analyzing Your Own Ethos
PART II: Invention and Development of the Speech
5. Choosing Your Topic
What Makes a Good Topic?
How to Choose a Good Topic
Developing a Strategic Plan
Developing the Purpose Statement and the Thesis Statement
Analyzing the Thesis Statement
6. Researching Your Topic
Strategic Perspectives on Research
Types of Supporting Material
Finding Supporting Material from People
Finding Supporting Material in Print
Finding Supporting Material Electronically
A Strategy for Research
Note Taking and Filing
7. Reasoning with Your Audience
Proof, Support and Reasoning
Strategies for Reasoning Through Example
Strategies for Reasoning Through Analogy
Strategies for Reasoning Through Signs
Strategies for Reasoning Through Cause
Strategies for Reasoning Through Testimony
Strategies for Reasoning Through Narrative
Avoiding Errors in Reasoning
Reasoning in Public Speaking
PART III: Arrangement of the Speech
8. Organizing the Speech: The Body
Why is Organization Important?
Selecting the Main Ideas
Arranging the Main Ideas
Selecting and Arranging Supporting Materials
9. Organizing the Speech: Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions
Introductions: Beginning the Speech
Conclusions: Ending the Speech
Transitions: Connecting the Elements of a Speech
10. Outlining the Speech
From Ideas to Outline
The Preparation Outline
Sample Preparation Outlines
The Presentation Outline
Sample Presentation Outline
PART IV: Style and Delivery of the Speech
11. Achieving Style through Language
What is Style?
Defining Terms Appropriately
Achieving Clarity, Rhythm and Vividness
Style and the Entire Speech
Achieving Good Style
12. Presenting the Speech
Characteristics of Effective Presentation
The Voice in Presentation
The Body in Presentation
Modes of Presentation
Practicing for Speech Presentation
13. Using Visual Aids
Benefits of Using Visual Aids
Types of Visual Aids
Traditional Visual Aid Materials
Preparing Visual Aids
Computer-Generated Visual Aids
Using Visual Aids in the Speech
PART V: Uses of Public Speaking
14. Informing
Planning Your Strategy
Informative Strategies
Encouraging Retention
15. Persuading
Purposes Achieved Through Persuasive Strategies
Plan Your Strategy
The Elaboration Likelihood Model
Constraints on Effective Persuasive Speaking
Strategic Resources for Specific Purposes
Generally Available Strategic Resources
Organizing Persuasive Speeches
16. Celebrating: Occasions for Public Speaking
Fitting Your Speech to the Occasion
Deliberative Speaking
Ceremonial Speaking
Speech Combining Deliberative and Ceremonial Goals
Appendix: Speeches for Analysis and Discussion
Student Speeches
Public Speeches
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