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Test Bank for Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership, 4th Edition, Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal, 799-2,
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Table of Contents
PART ONE Making Sense of Organizations.
ONE Introduction: The Power of Reframing.
TWO Simple Ideas, Complex Organizations.
PART TWO The Structural Frame.
THREE Getting Organized.
FOUR Structure and Restructuring.
FIVE Organizing Groups and Teams.
PART THREE The Human Resource Frame.
SIX People and Organizations.
SEVEN Improving Human Resource Management.
EIGHT Interpersonal and Group Dynamics.
PART FOUR The Political Frame.
NINE Power, Conflict, and Coalition.
TEN The Manager as Politician.
ELEVEN Organizations as Political Arenas and Political Agents.
PART FIVE The Symbolic Frame.
TWELVE Organizational Symbols and Culture.
THIRTEEN Culture in Action.
FOURTEEN Organization as Theater.
PART SIX Improving Leadership Practice.
FIFTEEN Integrating Frames for Effective Practice.
SIXTEEN Reframing in Action: Opportunities and Perils.
SEVENTEEN Reframing Leadership.
EIGHTEEN Reframing Change in Organizations: Training, Realigning, Negotiating, and Grieving.
NINETEEN Reframing Ethics and Spirit.
TWENTY Bringing It All Together: Change and Leadership in Action.
TWENTY-ONE Epilogue: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership.
Appendix: The Best of Organizational Studies: Scholars Hits and Popular Best-Sellers.
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