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Test Bank for The Enjoyment of Music, An Introduction to Perceptive Listening, 11th Edition (Shorter Version), Kristine Forney, Joseph Machlis,
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PART I Materials of Music
Prelude 1: Listening to Music Today
Melody: Musical Line
Rhythm and Meter: Musical Time
Harmony: Musical Space
The Organization of Musical Sounds
Musical Texture
Music Form
Musical Expression: Tempo and Dynamics
Voices and Musical Instrument Families
Western Musical Instruments
Musical Ensembles
Style and Function of Music in Society
PART 2 Medieval and Renaissance Music
Prelude 2: The Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Sacred Music of the Middle Ages
Secular Music of the Middle Ages
Renaissance Sacred Music
Renaissance Secular Music
PART 3 The Baroque Era
Prelude 3: The Baroque Spirit
Baroque Opera and Its Components
The Baroque Cantata and Oratorio
Baroque Instruments and the Suite
The Baroque Concerto
Other Baroque Instrumental Music
PART 4 Eighteenth-Century Classicism
Prelude 4: Classicism in the Arts
The Development of Classical Forms
Classical Chamber Music
The Classical Symphony
The Classical Concerto
The Sonata in the Classical Era
Classical Choral Music and Opera
PART 5 The Nineteenth Century
Prelude 5: The Spirit of Romaticism
Song in the Romantic Era
Romantic Piano Music
Music in Nineteenth-Century America
Romantic Program Music
Absolute Music in the Nineteenth Century
National Schools of Romantic Opera
Late Romantic and Post-Romantic Music
PART 6 Impressionism and the Early Twentieth Century
Prelude 6: Modernism in the Arts
Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Early Modern Musical Style
Music of the Early Modernists
European National Schools
American Modernism in Music
Nationalism in the Americas
PART 7 Music Beyond the Concert Hall
Prelude 7: The Rise of American Popular Styles
Ragtime, Blues, and Jazz
Musical Theater
Music for Films
The Many Voices of Rock
PART 8 World War II and Beyond
Prelude 8: New Directions in the Arts
The New Virtuosity of the Modern Age
Contemporary Composers Look to World Music
Technology and Music
Some Current Trends
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