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Test Bank for THINK Marriages and Families, 2/E, Jenifer Kunz,
You are buying Test Bank. A Test Bank is collection of test questions tailored to the contents of an individual . Test bank may contains the following types of questions: multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, matching, essay/short answer, and free-response questions. Please download sample for your confidential.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Marriage and Family
Chapter 2: How to Study Marriage and the Family
Chapter 3: Communication, Power, and Conflict
Chapter 4: The Role of Gender
Chapter 5: Friendship, Affection, Love, and Intimacy
Chapter 6: Sex and Fertility
Chapter 7: Choosing a Partner
Chapter 8: Preparing for Children and Parenting
Chapter 9: Family Variation
Chapter 10: Middle-Aged and Aging Families
Chapter 11: The Effects of Work and the Economy
Chapter 12: Family and Social Institutions: Education, Religion, Politics, and the Legal System
Chapter 13: Stress, Violence, and Abuse in Marriages and Families
Chapter 14: Separation and Divorce
Chapter 15: Single Parent Families, Remarriage, and Stepfamilies
Chapter 16: Enduring Marriage and Families: Successful Patterns of Commitment
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