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Test Bank for Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 3rd Edition, by Frank J. Landy, Jeffrey M. Conte,
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Part 1: Fundamentals.
1. What Is Industrial and Organizational Psychology?
Module 1.1 The Importance of I-O Psychology.
Module 1.2 The Past, Present, and Future of I-O Psychology.
Module 1.3 Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Issues in I-O Psychology.
Module 1.4 The Organization of This.
Case Study 1.1.
2. Methods and Statistics in I-O Psychology.
Module 2.1 Science.
Module 2.2 Research.
Module 2.3 Data Analysis.
Module 2.4 Interpretation.
Part 2: Industrial Psychology.
3. Individual Differences and Assessment.
Module 3.1 An Introduction to Individual Differences.
Module 3.2 Human Attributes.
Case Study 3.1.
Module 3.3 Foundations of Assessment.
Module 3.4 Assessment Procedures.
Module 3.5 Special Topics in Assessment.
4. Job Analysis and Performance.
Module 4.1 A Basic Model of Performance.
Module 4.2 Extensions of the Basic Performance Model.
Module 4.3 Job Analysis: Fundamental Properties and Practices.
Module 4.4 Job Analysis: Newer Developments.
Module 4.5 Job Evaluation and the Law.
5. Performance Measurement.
Module 5.1 Basic Concepts in Performance Measurement.
Module 5.2 Performance RatingSubstance.
Module 5.3 Performance RatingProcess.
Module 5.4 The Social and Legal Context of Performance Evaluation.
6. Staffing Decisions.
Module 6.1 Conceptual Issues in Staffing.
Module 6.2 Evaluation of Staffing Outcomes.
Module 6.3 Practical Issues in Staffing.
Module 6.4 Legal Issues in Staffing Decisions.
Case Study 6.1.
7. Training and Development.
Module 7.1 Foundations of Training and Learning.
Module 7.2 Content and Methods of Training.
Module 7.3 Evaluating Training Programs.
Module 7.4 Specialized Training Programs.
Part 3: Organizational Psychology.
8. The Motivation to Work.
Module 8.1 An Introduction to Motivation.
Module 8.2 Motivational TheoriesClassic Approaches.
Module 8.3 Modern Approaches to Work Motivation.
Module 8.4 Practical Issues in Motivation.
9. Attitudes, Emotions, and Work.
Module 9.1 Job Satisfaction.
Module 9.2 Moods, Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior.
Module 9.3 Special Topics Related to Attitudes and Emotions.
10. Stress and Worker Well-Being.
Module 10.1 The Problem of Stress.
Module 10.2 Theories of Stress.
Module 10.3 Reducing and Managing Stress.
Module 10.4 Violence at Work.
11. Fairness and Diversity in the Workplace.
Module 11.1 Fairness.
Module 11.2 The Practical Implications of Justice Perceptions.
Module 11.3 Diversity.
12. Leadership.
Module 12.1 The Concept of Leadership.
Module 12.2 Traditional Theories of Leadership.
Module 12.3 New Approaches to Leadership.
Module 12.4 Emerging Topics and Challenges in Leadership Research.
13. Teams in Organizations.
Module 13.1 Types of Teams.
Module 13.2 Input-Process-Output Model of Team Effectiveness.
Module 13.3 Special Issues in Teams.
14. The Organization of Work Behavior.
Module 14.1 The Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Organizations.
Module 14.2 Some Social Dynamics of Organizations.
Module 14.3 Organizational Development and Change.
Name Index.
Subject Index.
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